Sound Performance2024-05-23T16:55:50-04:00

Sound Performance: Occupational Therapy

Want to improve your function?

Feldenkrais® Workshops on Various Themes:

  • Balance

  • Pelvic Floor

  • Transition from one position to another

  • Eyes

  • Hands and feet

  • Voice

  • TMJ


What We Do at Sound Performance: Occupational Therapy

Are you seeking a healthcare provider who understands your medical issues and psychological challenges? Are you ready to get better and take a journey to wellness?

There is no end to improvement.

Susan Yee, a registered occupational therapist for 27 years, researched musicians’ injuries for her Master’s thesis and has been playing the piano since she was 7 years old. She is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais PractitionerTM. Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), the Feldenkrais Method® is a sensory motor education system that uses your ability to learn to reduce pain, increase performance, or overcome obstacles.  The emphasis is on body awareness. You can learn how to avoid injury, and to heal more quickly. The Feldenkrais Method® has been taught worldwide for over 70 years, helping people recover and improve their function after injury and illness.

Services are confidential. There are a variety of options to choose from.  Susan provides individualized sessions, weekly classes, workshops, and consultations.


What I Offer


Immerse yourself more deeply in the Feldenkrais Method®, an education system that uses your senses and gentle movement to change the way you move, think and feel. There is exploration on various themes. Want a workshop specifically tailored for your group? Susan can create custom workshops for your needs.


Susan provides you with an individualized treatment program through which you will learn how to reduce your chronic pain and prevent further injuries. Her approach is multi-layered and holistic. Susan addresses your emotional and physical well-being. She will also provide you with resources and expect you to be an active participant in your recovery. After an initial occupational therapy assessment, Susan co-creates a treatment plan with you.


Musician and singers use their entire body and mind to master their craft. As a professional musician, injuries are inevitable with a demanding schedule and stressors that are beyond your control (e.g. major illness, divorce, caring for an aging parent). Susan has created her practice to improve your health and maintain your musicianship. Susan will work with you and/or your music group to create a specific program to prevent and address current injuries.


Classes are an economical option. The Feldenkrais Method® is an education system and not a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with your medical doctor to discuss the appropriateness of starting any new program. Contact Susan about Feldenkrais® classes where you explore gentle movements in a supportive, calm environment.


Frequently Ask Questions

Q. How many sessions are required to improve my function?2024-03-13T13:45:28-04:00

There is a prerequisite of an occupational therapy assessment to determine your treatment plan.

If you are ready to be an active participant in your wellness and know that changing your habits is a journey, then Susan can help you.

“You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down. The choice does not belong to fate,  it belongs to you.”

– Josh Shipp

Q. Is the Feldenkrais Method® based on research?2024-03-13T13:44:43-04:00

Norman Doidge’s recent book, The Brain Way’s of Healing has two chapters about the Feldenkrais Method®. For more information on neuroplasticity, healing, and the Feldenkrais Method®, visit

According to Hillier & Worley, there is evidence that the Feldenkrais Method® is helpful in improving physical performance and self-efficacy.

Hillier, S.,& Worley,A. (2015).

The effectiveness of the Feldenkrais method:

A systematic review of the evidence.

From Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2015

Q. What is the Feldenkrais Method®?2024-05-23T16:55:02-04:00

Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), the Feldenkrais Method® is a sensory motor education that uses your ability to learn.  The emphasis is on body awareness, so you can improve how you interact with your instrument as well as your environment.  You can learn how to be more expressive musically, to avoid injury, and heal more quickly.  The Feldenkrais Method® is taught worldwide for over 70 years helping people recover and improve their function after injury and illness.

Q. What is Occupational Therapy?2024-03-13T13:42:04-04:00

Occupational therapists believe that occupations (activities) describe who you are and how you feel about yourself. If you are unable to do the things you want, or need to do, to live and enjoy your life, your general well-being may be affected.  According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.


Blog Post

2020 in Review

By |December 31st, 2020|

2020 will be an unforgettable year despite how hard you want to erase it from your memory. Here is my list of the [...]

New Beginnings

By |August 4th, 2020|

For some of you who have been waiting for my next workshop, I apologize for the delay. Unexpected personal and professional changes required my [...]


Subscribe With Us


The best way to reach Sound Performance: Occupational Therapy is by filling in the email contact form below. You can expect a response from Susan within 1-3 business days. Hours of operation are determined on an individual basis, so please make an appointment.

Susan Yee, MScOT, OTReg. (Ont.)

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