What is Occupational Therapy?
Occupational Therapy (OT) is a health profession that empowers people of all ages to overcome
barriers in their everyday lives so they can do more and live better.
World Health Organization definition of Health:
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
After an initial in-depth Occupational Therapy assessment, Susan will provide you with an individualized treatment program through which you will learn how to reduce your chronic pain and prevent further injuries. Her approach is multi-layered and holistic. I address your emotional and physical well-being. She will also provide you with resources and expect you to be an active participant in your recovery. A minimal of one individual session is recommended for you to decide on your best treatment options.
Functional Integration® (FI) lessons, which are taught to individuals, are another optional service that is especially suited for those who have specific movement difficulties or want to improve your performance improvement issues that would benefit from individual attention. Dress comfortably for movement. Your lessons may begin with you sitting or lying on a special low, padded table as Susan guides you by communicating through a gentle, listening touch and movement session.