“You can’t do what you want until you know what you are doing.” Moshe Feldenkrais

We want to feel better soon. The pain in your back, leg, arm, jaw, is frustrating as it continues to slow you down. You go to various health professionals, take medication, rest, and still the pain returns. You want better health. You desire less pain, want to be more active, and have more energy.

Have you inquired how you navigate your day? Are you aware of strong habits/beliefs that rule your life? For many, we have a strong belief that asking and/or receiving help equals weakness. In fact, working to exhaustion equals a badge of honour.  Ask your family or close friends if these statements are true for you. Do you do projects, host events, and organize your home all yourself? Have your family and friends have tried in vain to offer you help? Do you brush them off as you have it all under control? You believe that you have exhausted all treatment options to resolve your pain but you are re-injuring yourself on a regular basis and not realize it.

“We don’t have to do all of it alone. We were never meant to.” Brené Brown

I attended a 2-day stress workshop years ago that changed the treatment options I offer to my clients. The best buffer to any stress that ultimately leads to health problems is having a positive supportive community. To have many people to lean on, many people you can count on, and many people willing to offer you help. You have to be ready to accept and ask for the help.

“Be strong enough to stand alone, Smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.” Ziad K. Abdelnour

The help can come in the form of a friend just being with you with a cup of coffee allowing you to be just you. The help can be ordering a cake from a bakery for your son’s birthday party. The help can be your husband buying groceries even though he buys a different brand of cereal. The help can be welcoming your neighbour to snow blow your driveway.

Once you swallow your pride and realize that doing it all alone is in fact exacerbating/maintaining your pain. You can now do what you want because you know what you are doing.

Come discover that community is the secret ingredient. Once you accept help you will be able to offer help and the circle of community is formed.